Variety developed by IIVR

Kashi Sampann (VRFBB-1)

Uttar Pradesh

Late maturing, bush type high yielding with round, light green pods, tolerant to GYMV and high yield 25-30 t/ha. Recommended for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, vide gazette notification number S.O. 692(E), dated 05.02.2019.

Kashi Rajhans (VRFBB-2)

Bushy variety has dark green, thin round slighty curved fleshy, free from parchment and smooth surface pod. Tolerant to French Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus. Yield 24.13 t/h. Recommended for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, vide gazette notification number S.O. 692(E... show more

Kashi Khushal (VRSEM-3)

Uttar Pradesh

Semi-pole type variety has shiny dark green, slightly curved glabrous fruit containing 4-5 coffee colour seed. Tolerant to high temperature and DYMV. Variety is rich in protein 635.6 mg/g low in total sugar and phenol content. Yield 35-38 t/ha. Recommended for... show more

Kashi Sheetal (VRSEM-11)

Uttar Pradesh

Semi-pole type, tolerant to low temperature and DYMV. It can give yield of 18-20 t/ha. Variety is rich in protein 590.8mg/g and low in total sugar 0.621g/100g. Yield 182.06. Recommended for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, vide gazette notification number S.O. 692(E),... show more

Kashi Nutan (VRCUH-01) F1 Hybrid

Uttar Pradesh

Early maturing hybrid, cylindrical long light green colour with mottling at peduncle side of fruit. Resistant to Downey Mildew, suitable for rainy and summer season. High yielding (17.85t/ha) over the check variety with better keeping quality and suitable for both... show more
