Kashi Tapas (Hybrid)
- Notification:- 2024 ( SVRC-UP )
- Gazette Notification:- : S.O. 1362(E) dt. 12.03.2024
- Salient features:- Indeterminate plant growth
The variety has an average yield potential of 50-60 tonnes/ha. The fruits of this variety are round and firm with a pericarp thickness ofn6-6.5mm and an average fruit weight of 90-115 g in the initial three pickings. The fruits mature in 85-90 days post transplanting. This variety has also shown high level of ToLCV resistance in artificial screens and field tests conducted over years in disease hot spot at Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi. This variety has been recommended and notified (S.0.
The fruits of this variety are round and very firm with a pericarp thickness of 6 mm. Average fruit weight ranges from 80-115 g with 3-4 locules. The fruits are attractive red in colour. Variety has an average yield potential of 60 tonnes/ha. Resistant to tomato leaf curl virus disease. Variety carries an allele of Ty-3 gene. It has shown high level of resistance in field tests and artificial screening conducted by agroinoculation. Recommended for cultivation in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Vide gazette notification number S.O. 3666 (E), 25.9.2016
The fruits of this variety are round and very firm with a pericarp thickness of 0.52-0.57cm. Average fruit weight of this variety ranges from 80-110 g with an average locule number of 3-4. The fruits are attractive red in colour with an average total soluble solid content of 4.6 oBrix at red ripe stage. Average yield 50-60 tonnes/ha. Resistant to ToLCVD. Variety carries an allele of Ty-3 gene. It has shown high level of resistance in field tests and to infection by both monopartite and bipartite viruses in agroinoculation experiments.
Kashi Abhiman is a determinate tomato hybrid identified and recommended at the 30th AICRP (VC) meeting held at Pantnagar, UP. It is an ideal tomato hybrid for cultivation in Zone I (States: J&K, HP, Uttaranchal) and Zone IV (States: Punjab, UP, Bihar, and Jharkand) during mid September – March. High yield potential of 87 t/ha and 93 t/ha has been recorded at HARP, Ranchi and CITH, Srinagar respectively. Fruits are deep red in colour and mature uniformly. The fruits are firm (pericarp thickness of 0.6cm) and are ideal for long distance transportation.
This is also developed by hybridization between L. esculentum cv. ‘Sel-7’ and L. hirsutum f. glabratum ‘B6013’, following backcross-pedigree selection. Plants are determinate, fruits large, flatish round (slightly indented at blossom end of fruit), attractive red with 5-6 locules, medium maturity (75-80 days after transplanting); yield 500-600 q/ha.
This is developed through pedigree selection from a cross MTH-6 x Kalyani Eunish. Plants are indeterminate, leaves broad, fruits attractive red, slightly oval, firm, thick pericarp, longer shelf life, weight 90 to 95 g; yield 400-500 q/ha.
This has been developed through pedigree selection from a cross Sel-18 x Flora Dade. The plants are determinate, fruits attractive red and round, weight varies from 80 to 85 g; yield 400-420 q/ha.
This is a determinate variety derived from inter-specific cross L. esculentum (cv. Sel. 7) x L. hirsutum f. glabratum (acc. B6013’) through backcross pedigree met;hod. Fruits are round, attractive red and fleshy with an average weight of 108 g. Suitable for cultivation during TLCV infested period. Gives an average yield of 620 q/ha.
This variety is resistant to TLCV and has been developed using L. hirsutum f glabratum B’6013’ as donor parent following backcross pedigree selection method. Plants are determinate, dark green, fruits red, spherical, size medium to large, weight of 80 g, first harvest at 70-75 days after transplanting; yield 400-450 q/ha.