Kashi Sinduri

Plants are spreading type, resistant to anthracnose disease, 50% flowering in 30-35 DAT, fruits and green and dark red at ripe stage (95-100 days after sowing), 10-12 cm long and 1.1-1.3 cm thick, pendant, non-pungent and high oleoresin content (15 percent). Average yield of red ripe fruits: 140 q/ha. Recommended for cultivation in the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala in autumn-winter season & notified vide gazette notification number S.O. 456(E), 16.03.2012

Package of Practices

  1. Seeds sowing in nursery: from July to August under northern plains. Transplanting: 30 days after seed sowing at a distance of 45 cm plant to plant and 60 cm row to row.
  2. Seed Rate: 450 g seeds are sufficient to raise seedlings for one hectare of chilli planting.
  3. During the field preparation 20-30 t/ha compost or FYM should be applied. For chilli cultivation, N:P:K @ 120:80:80 kg/ha have been recommended. Full dose of phosphorus (P) and potash (K) should be applied as basal dose at the time of last field preparation. Dose of nitrogen (N) should be applied in three splits (1/3 as basal dose, 1/3 after 30 DAT and remaining 1/3 after 50 DAT).