Kashi Rakshita

Vine length 3.5 to 5 m, fruit color dark green, 1st male flower appear on 4-6th node while 1st female flower appear on 8-10th node. Average number of fruits/plant ranges from 12-14. Fruits become ready to harvest at 48-52 days after sowing. Resistance to disease downy mildew and sponge gourd Mosaic Virus under field condition. Recommended for Zone IV (Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand), vide gazette notification number 692 (E), 05.02.2019

  • Fertilizer:100:80:60 kg N.P.K./ha
  • Seed rate: 3.5 kg/ha
  • Sowing time -First fort night of July
  • and First fort night of February
  • Spacing-3.5 m row to row and 75 cm
  • plant to plant.
  • Contect Scientist:-
  • S.N Name Designation Contect Number
    1 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Principal Scientist 7309074360
    2 Dr. T . Chaubey Principal Scientist 6306427893
    3 Dr. Hiranmoy Das Senior Scientist 7470825619