Kashi jyoti / काशी ज्योति


Availability: 10 in stock

SKU: Kashi jyoti Category:

It is medium viny (3.5-5.50 m) with fruiting at every node.

Fruits are light green, long straight (20-25 cm on flat bed up to 30 cm on bower ) and with 2.5-3.0 cm diameter.

Average fruit weight ranges from 100 g to 140g.

Fruits harvest at 50-55 days from date of sowing

The average yield of this variety is 143.83 q/ha. Potential yield 180 q/ha.

Suitable for cultivation in rainy and summer season.

Tolerant to sponge gourd mosaic and downy mildew disease under field condition.

Weight 0.05 kg


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