Kashi Abha (VR-339) / काशी आभा (VR-339)

(1 customer review)


SKU: KashiAbha (VR-339) Category:

Fruits are short staut with blunt apex and highly pungent. Tolerant to biotic (anthracnose, CLCV, thrips and mites) and abiotic stress (low and high temperature), yield 15 t/ha. Recommended for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh Recommended for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh & notified vide gazette notification number S.O. 692(E), dated 05.02.2019.

Package of Practices

    1. Seeds sowing in nursery beds: from July to August under northern plain areas.

Transplanting: after 30 days of seed sowing. Transplanting should be done at a distance of 45 cm plant to plant and 60 cm row to row.

  1. Seed Rate: 450 g seeds are sufficient to raise seedlings for one hectare of chilli planting.
  2. During the field preparation 20-30 t/ha compost or FYM should be applied. N:P:K @ 120:80:80 kg/ha. Dose of nitrogen (N) should be applied in three splits (1/3 as basal dose, 1/3 after 30 DAT and remaining 1/3 after 50 DAT).
Weight 0.005 kg
Packet Size

25 gm

1 review for Kashi Abha (VR-339) / काशी आभा (VR-339)

  1. Muqtada Arsalan (verified owner)

    Worst delivery facility I have ever seen.
    It has been 21 days after ordering. Yet I haven’t received the parcel.

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