Kashi Aman

The fruits of this variety are round and very firm with a pericarp thickness of 0.52-0.57cm. Average fruit weight of this variety ranges from 80-110 g with an average locule number of 3-4. The fruits are attractive red in colour with an average total soluble solid content of 4.6 oBrix at red ripe stage. Average yield 50-60 tonnes/ha. Resistant to ToLCVD. Variety carries an allele of Ty-3 gene. It has shown high level of resistance in field tests and to infection by both monopartite and bipartite viruses in agroinoculation experiments. Recommended for cultivation in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Vide gazette notification number 261(E),16.01.2018

  • Seed rate: 400g/ha
  • Sowing time: Kashi Aman is ideal for cultivation during Kharif and Rabi in recommended states.
  • Fertilizer: 100:60:60 NPK Kg/ha
  • Spacing: 60 x40 cm